Replace translated text
As needed, you can replace the translated text of documents that have been previously translated in Epiq Discovery. Use Search Builder to filter documents that contain translated text. To use Search Builder, refer to Use Search Builder.
To replace translated text, perform the following procedure.
In the Project page, click REVIEW.
Select the documents you want to replace the translated text from the Document List.
In the Document Actions pane, click Translate.
In Job Name, type a name to identify the job.
In Translation Action, select Replace.
In Text to Translate, select one of the following options.
OCR Text
Extracted Text
In Source Language, select the source language.
In Translation Language, select a translation language.
Click Submit.
In the Replace Translation dialog box, click Replace.
To view details about the submitted job, In the Project page, click Jobs Overview.
In the Jobs Overview page, when the Job Status indicator reaches 100%, in the Job Name column, click the job you submitted. The resulting Information dialog box contains details about the job, including the number of documents that were selected and if any documents were skipped. For more details about this Information dialog box, refer to View Translate job details.
To view the translated text, select the document from the Document List. The Docked Viewer appears on the right side of the Review grid. At the bottom of the viewer, click
and then select Translated Text.